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A new service at the office
To get healthy and heal yourself, you must first KNOW YOUR HEALTH! With this new technology, you will learn critical information about the health of your feet and how it affects the entire body. In just 5-minutes you will get a score of how balanced your feet are and how much weight & pressure you place on each foot. Since we walk on average over 5,000 steps each day, your body above gets the brunt of all the imbalances starting at your feet. If our technology detects major imbalances, we will have solutions with customized foot and shoe orthotics.
If you scan score is in the moderate to severe category, we will recommend customized foot and/or shoe orthotics. These are created with the data collected from your scan along with any additional accommodations that Dr. Allan recommends.
All parts of your body are linked together. And your feet are the foundation!
Even though all your body parts are connected and affect one another, your feet are what we at Foot Levelers call, the “foundation”. Your entire body is supported and balanced by your feet. Therefore, if your feet are pronated (as 99% of all people’s feet are), your body will suffer – starting with either the knee, hip, or back.
When something goes wrong with one of our parts and we experience pain, traditional medical doctors attempt to treat patients using prescriptions or surgery. This, in our opinion, is a very narrow view of solutions and care.
Are your feet healthy? Flat feet, foot pronation, or foot imbalances can lead to foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, back pain, neck pain, and even shoulder pain.
The foot scan will show you how imbalances in the feet can lead to problems in the knees, hips, back and shoulders. The foot scan will show how Functional Orthotics may help. Following a foot scan, a report will provide you a Pronation/Stability Index, a Foot Assessment, and a Body Assessment.
Your Pronation/Stability Index™ score appears on the clinical Report of Findings that is produced when your feet are scanned by our 3D laser technology.
The Pronation/Stability Index™ is a proprietary algorithm based on 16 different measurements of the foot. Taken from a foam cast or laser scan of the feet, the Index indicates the amount of arch collapse your feet are seeing. The higher the number, the more collapse.
The index reveals the severity of pronation/stability in your feet, ranging from Optimal to Severe. An index of 102, for example, is Moderate pronation/instability. Untreated imbalances of any level may lead to chronic problems throughout your body.
Find out how optimal or pronated your feet are!